Sunny Lounge

Sunny Lounge

Friday, July 11, 2014

Sunny the Cat and the "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"

When last we left our intrepid feline...

Oh, wait, that's the beginning of another story.

Take two.

It hasn't been a happy day in the land of Sunnydom.  The day started well enough.  The human mom's alarm went off and immediately there were treats and scritches and a fresh bowl of water.  All of that was good.  This is the way the day is supposed to start.  Even better, human mom didn't hop right out of bed to disappear for a while and come back all hot and sweaty.  Instead, she spent a few extra minutes with me, just petting me and talking to me.

Going downstairs there were the two soft, chewy treats that I get every morning.  I sometimes wonder why there are only ever two, but they taste yummy, so I don't argue.  After that, things just went wrong.  Human mom had just finished making her breakfast, but before she could eat it, there was one of those terrifying creatures at the adult male human.  The best place to be when one of those arrives is at the back of human mom's closet.  There are lots of soft things that hang all the way to the floor and the only one who knows the hiding place is human mom.

The man was up and down the stairs, into the room where human mom gets the water from upstairs and where she has the weird, wet litterbox.  Then, there were lots of weird loud noises.  Human mom was up and down the stairs a few times, and the scary man came up too.  After a little while, it finally got quiet.  I waited, just to be certain and then came downstairs.

There was stuff on the floor in the room with the big, flat, off the floor bed (with the four padded hiding places underneath) that mom doesn't like me to lie on.  I'm not sure why.  If you cover something with fabric, isn't that where I'm supposed to lie down?  She sometimes sits on my hiding places and puts her food on the bed to eat or uses the machine that she controls with her feet that eats up fabric. Everything else seemed okay, so I had a couple of bites of food and went down to use the litterbox

While I was downstairs, I heard it.  Another one of the big scary MEN was in the house.  I was trapped.  What was I to do?  I waited and waited.  I heard the thumpy footsteps go out the front door and decided to make a break for it.  Human mom was on the couch as I bolted through the room.  There were more loud noises.  It felt like the floor was shaking.  Eventually, I couldn't hear the scary man anymore, but there was still a noise.  When I went down to investigate, the room with the big bed was all strange.  There were things hanging from the ceiling and something making lots of noise by the entry to the room with my food.

I decided it wasn't worth the risk.  Human mom gave me treats and I went up to nap some more.  I came back down again.  I was hungry.  I didn't know what to do.  The noises from behind the stuff hanging from the ceiling were pretty loud.  Human mom went in and put a chair down right next to it.  She's REALLY brave.  She stayed between it and me so I could ease my way into the room with my food and water.  It didn't do anything or try to hurt me.  I ate a little bit, but went back upstairs.  I realized I was still hungry, so I went back downstairs.  I decided if human mom could be brave, so could I.  Besides, it didn't do anything to me when I went past it the first time.

I still don't like it, and I really do hate it when there are MEN in the house.  Between the men and the big noises and the scary things in the room with the big bed, it really has been a "terrible, horrible, no go, very bad day."


Human mom here:  So if you don't understand what Sunny was trying to tell you.  I had plumbers in to fix a leak in my bathroom that went into my dining room.  They opened up the ceiling and found a relatively small amount of mold.  So, the plumber left and the mold remediation guy came.  There are now blowers and dehumidifiers drying everything out until Monday.  Tuesday the plumbers come back and replace the pipes from my tub.  The insurance adjuster will also come out, because while I still have to pay the insane plumbing bill, the insurance will cover the mold remediation and ceiling repair.  Sunny is not pleased with the blowers.  Quite frankly, neither am I, since they pump out heat and I can all but hear the electric meter buzz as the numbers whiz by, but we'll muddle through.